4 Business Etiquette Tips

There are different rules of etiquette for different situations and settings. Each set of rules has a different level of formality. One of the more formal etiquette settings is a business and professional situation. Here are four business etiquette tips.

1. Utilize Professional Contact Information

When you’re involved in any type of virtual business situation, you should understand and practice good virtual business etiquette. Make sure all of the contact information you provide with your conversation or negotiation partner is as professional as possible. Utilize a professional email address and carefully determine whether you need to share social media handles with your partner. Make sure your outgoing voicemail message is clean, straightforward, and professional.

2. Incorporate Professional Salutations

Whenever you partake in business communications, you need to make sure your business etiquette extends to your writing, particularly your salutations. You need to be as professional as possible when addressing recipients, particularly when you first contact them. Always begin and end your communications with appropriate salutations, such as Hello, Dear, Sincerely and Thank you. Sign communications with your full name and your job title, if needed. Avoid addressing people by nicknames unless they request that you do so.

3. Exit Politely

Sometimes, people can have trouble leaving conversations, particularly those in professional settings, as it may seem impolite to do so. To avoid this, think about polite but decisive ways to exit these interactions. Prepare a set of exit lines you can use in various situations, such as that you’ll let your conversation partner know if you have any questions for him or her.

4. Know When to Initiate Greetings

When you’re beginning an in-person business interaction, you need to know when it’s appropriate for you to initiate the greeting. If you’re higher in rank or if you scheduled the meeting, you should be the first person to extend your hand for a shake. Everyone involved in a business greeting should stand and introduce themselves by their full names. If you’re an intermediary for someone else, make sure you’re the one who introduces him or her to the other participants in the conversation.

It’s important to practice good etiquette no matter the situation you find yourself in. Good etiquette can make or break an interaction, particularly when it comes to business and transactions. This means it can be the difference between getting hired and turned away or between making a sale and failing to do so.