Merchant Cash Advance
A Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your Business
Financing from a traditional bank can be quite a hassle for many small businesses. You are expected to fill out reams of paperwork, then wait until a decision is made. Often, the decision is not positive and your funding is denied.
We’d like to encourage you to try a different approach. Here at Oaks Commercial Capital LLC, we specialize in offering merchant cash advances to qualified businesses. This is up-front money that you can use for your business that is taken against your business credit card.
A merchant cash advance can be a superior alternative compared to a traditional loan in many ways. You do not need stellar credit and there is no intrusive application process.
Benefits of Having a Merchant Cash Advance
Our merchant cash advances come with a number of excellent built-in benefits. We think you’ll find them appealing for your ongoing business activities. These benefits include:
- Up to $200,000 in funding per business location
- Funding that comes with no provision on how you must spend it
- Minimal paperwork that is required during the application process
- Funding that arrives quickly
- A payback procedure that is simple and has no prepayment penalty attached
Furthermore, collateral is never required.
Connect with Us
We’d love to partner with your to help propel your business forward. Contact us today regarding further details about our merchant cash advance program.